Imagine heading to your personal Lodge for a relaxing weekend getaway - or spending a few weeks away at your roomy vacation home. Relax and make memories in comfort and style with our perfect home away from home Timber Lodge design.
The standard features of the Timber Lodge are listed in the free Weaver Barns color catalog and the wide selection of options, upgrades and add-ons serve to enhance to it's character & usability.
It is available in any of our 3 siding choices; Duratemp Plywood, Premium Pine or No-Maintenance Vinyl. Prices vary by siding choice and are listed in the free price guide located inside each color catalog. Contact us to request a catalog & price guide here if you don't yet have one.
Common modifications are also listed in the free price guide. We can and will do anything you need though so if you want something that you don't see listed please be sure to contact us to set a free consultation & price quote appointment as soon as possible so we can itemize the prices of whatever you have in mind as well give you a final overall price for your project (or multiple comparative prices if your undecided about size, siding choice, etc.)
Base prices include free local delivery of materials and construction by one of our dedicated Weaver Barns building crews on your prepared land (It's usually best to buy your foundation from a foundation installer to get your best price on the overall project since we specialize in the building itself and they specialize in excavation & concrete materials, etc.). We provide you with specs & elevation drawings within about 2 weeks after you make your 10% down-payment. These are for your records, or to acquire your permits (if need be) or to help communicate with your foundation installer. This allows them to get your project started while you wait for the lead time for our crews to arrive to install.
Do anything you want to your Timber Lodge design. Add windows, extra doors, steeper pitch roof, taller walls, etc. We will place your options, upgrades & add-ons wherever you want on your building. We give a birds eye view simple drawing on your price quote. Spec elevation drawings arrive by email or mail shortly after you place your 10% down-payment.
Broad Average Price Range: Starting at $133,000 for the shell, built. Depending on size, siding choice, options, upgrades and add-ons.